The objectives of the Gambia Teachers’ Union shall be:-
- To associate, unite and secure complete organization of all the teachers of The Gambia regardless of grade, qualification, race, sex, colour, religion, creed, nationality.
- To bring about closer cooperation and promote better mutual understanding among teachers.
- To strive to bring about the unification of the teaching service, enhance the status of teachers and the teaching profession and to secure better terms and conditions of employment for all teachers.
- To establish, promote and maintain a high standard of professional qualification, loyalty to established principles and unswerving devotion to the proper education of children.
- To cooperate and participate in all matters calculated to lead to the improvement of the teaching profession and to strive to secure for teachers the highest posts in the education service of The Gambia.
- To give constructive aid in promoting the cause, improvement and development of a common system, universal and free primary and secondary education for all Gambian children, eradication of illiteracy, and the achievement of equal opportunity for all through education.
- To secure effective representation on all executive and advisory bodies having powers to make decisions that may affect the teaching profession.
- To provide means whereby the collective views, opinions and decisions of members affecting the interest of education in general and those of the teaching profession in particular can be expressed.
- To settle disputes between members of the Union or between its members and their employers, and regulate the relations between them by collective constitutional means.
- To offer to members advice and assistance in educational and professional matters and also to assist them in legal proceedings of a trade union nature.
- To protect and strengthen our democratic institutions, to preserve and develop the cherished traditions of democracy and to secure full recognition and enjoyment of rights and liberties, concessions and grants to which all teachers are entitled.
- To maintain the democratic character of the Union and to protect it from both internal and external hostile forces and infiltration by subversive and reactionary elements opposed to democratic and free unionism and also to safeguard the autonomy of the Union.
- To preserve the independence of the organization from outside control and to encourage teachers to exercise their full rights and responsibilities of citizenship, To secure the ratification of the relevant ILO Conventions and to secure the enactment of legislation for the defense and protection and promotion of the rights of teachers and the interest of children and the objectives laid down in this article of the constitution and to oppose through constitutional means legislation and policies contrary to the interest of teachers, children and the aims and objectives of the Union.
- To struggle for world peace and to strive and encourage African Unity and economic integration.
- In pursuance of the above, the Union may do or authorize to be done all such acts as it considers necessary for the furtherance of these aims and objectives.